I'd like to tell you about a change of address
buy precose For the sake of anyone who doesn’t know, I should explain that after years of churning out Holmes mysteries on an industrial scale, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle grew tired of his own creation and decided to kill him off. The mise-en-scティne for this departure was an actual place in Switzerland, which Doyle had visited: a small, neat town called Meiringen, midway between Lucerne and Interlaken. And the site of the encounter with Moriarty — the “Napoleon of Crime”, although you’re never told exactly what he’s done — was an actual path beside the said falls, which are written up by Conan Doyle in suitably dramatic terms as “that dreadful cauldron of swirling water and seething foam”, although they don’t swirl quite so dreadfully these days thanks to a nearby hydroelectric power plant that saps their energy.